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(An ISO Certified Academy)
The Incredible Academy
Admission open for Preparatory Classes from 6th standard to 12th standard. Call Now- 9667181718



Sr No.

Chapter Name


Introduction to Accounting 

Introduction to Accounting, Accounting as a Language of Business, Transactions and Events, Objectives of Accounting, Users of Accounting Information, Branches of Accounting, Accounting Concepts, Principles and Conventions 

Theory Base of Accounting 

Accounting Standards, Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP), Accounting Policies, Accounting as an Information System, Capital and Revenue Expenditures, Capital and Revenue Receipts, Contingent Assets and Contingent Liabilities, Nature of Accounts, Accounting Equation 

Recording of Transactions - I 

Accounting Equation and Analysis of Transactions, Rules of Debit and Credit, Accounting for Assets, Accounting for Liabilities, Accounting for Capital 

Recording of Transactions - II 

Preparation of Vouchers, Accounting for Vouchers, Verification of Accounting Vouchers, Discount, Trade Discount and Cash Discount, Goods and Services Tax (GST) 

Bank Reconciliation Statement 

Need for Reconciliation, Causes of Differences, Preparation of Bank Reconciliation Statement, Accounting Treatment of Dishonoured Cheques, Interest on Bank Deposits and Overdraft, Treatment of Uncredited Cheques, Preparation of Adjusted Cash Book 

Trial Balance and Rectification of Errors 

Objectives of Trial Balance, Preparation of Trial Balance, Limitations of Trial Balance, Errors and their Types, Rectification of Errors, Adjusting Entries 

Depreciation, Provisions and Reserves 

Depreciation - Meaning and Need, Causes of Depreciation, Methods of Calculating Depreciation, Accounting Treatment of Depreciation, Provisions and Reserves - Meaning, Objectives and Types 

Bill of Exchange 

Bill of Exchange - Meaning, Features and Parties, Types of Bills of Exchange, Terms used in Bills of Exchange, Accounting Treatment of Bills of Exchange, Dishonour of Bill 

Financial Statements - I 

Financial Statements - Meaning, Objectives and Importance, Trading and Profit and Loss Account, Balance Sheet, Adjustments in Preparation of Financial Statements 


Financial Statements - II 

Financial Analysis and Interpretation, Tools for Financial Analysis - Comparative Statements, Common Size Statements, Cash Flow Statement - Meaning, Objectives and Preparation 


Accounts from Incomplete Records 

Ascertainment of Profit/Loss, Statement of Affairs, Conversion Method 


Applications of Computers in Accounting 

Introduction to Computers, Applications of Computers in Accounting, Computerised Accounting System, Advantages and Limitations of Computerised Accounting System 


Computerised Accounting System 

Overview of Computerised Accounting System, Structure of CAS, Features of CAS, Advantages and Limitations of CAS, Comparison of Manual Accounting with CAS 



Sr No.

Chapter Name


Business, Trade and Commerce 

Meaning and Features of Business, Industry and Commerce, Objectives of Business, Economic and Non-Economic Activities, Forms of Business Organisation 

Forms of Business Organisation 

Sole Proprietorship, Partnership, Joint Hindu Family Business, Co-operative Societies, Company, Formation of a Company 

Private, Public and Global Enterprises 

Private Sector Enterprises, Public Sector Enterprises, Global Enterprises, Joint Ventures, Public-Private Partnership 

Business Services 

Banking, Insurance, Transport, Warehousing, Communication, Postal and Courier Services, Utility Services 

Emerging Modes of Business 

E-Business, Outsourcing, Franchising, Direct Selling, Multi-Level Marketing, Tele Marketing, Corporate Social Responsibility 

Social Responsibilities of Business and Business Ethics 

Concept of Social Responsibility, Responsibilities Towards Different Interest Groups, Business Ethics 

Formation of a Company 

Promoters, Incorporation of a Company, Memorandum of Association, Articles of Association, Prospectus 

Sources of Business Finance 

Equity Shares, Preference Shares, Debentures, Retained Earnings, Loans and Advances, Public Deposits, Trade Credit, Factoring 

Small Business 

Meaning and Definition of Small Business, Role of Small Business in India, Problems Faced by Small Business, Government Policies to Promote Small Business 


Internal Trade 

Meaning and Types of Internal Trade, Channels of Distribution, Retail Trade, Wholesale Trade, Services in Internal Trade 


International Business - I 

Nature and Significance of International Business, India's Foreign Trade 


International Business - II 

Export Trade, Import Trade, Counter Trade, International Business Risk 


Project Work 

Project Identification, Market Survey, Preparation of Project Report, Project Appraisal, Implementation, Financing, Marketing and Distribution, Evaluation and Control 



Book: Indian Economic Devlopment

Sr No.    

Chapter Name


Indian Economy on the Eve of

State of Indian Economy, Agriculture, Industries, Infrastructure, Foreign Trade, Demographic Condition, Occupational Structure, National Income 

Indian Economy 1950-1990 

Agriculture, Industry, Foreign Trade, National Income and Per Capita Income, Population, Employment and Unemployment, Infrastructure 

Liberalisation, Privatisation and 
Globalisation: An Appraisal 

Economic Reforms, New Economic Policy (NEP), Liberalisation, Privatisation and Globalisation, Globalisation and its Impact on India 


Absolute Poverty, Relative Poverty, Human Poverty, Poverty as a Challenge, Causes of Poverty, Anti-Poverty Measures 

Human Capital Formation in India 

Human Capital, Importance of Human Capital, Education and Human Capital Formation, Health and Human Capital Formation, Other Sources of Human Capital 

Rural Development 

Rural Development, Credit and Marketing in Rural Areas, Agricultural Marketing, Diversification into Rural Non-Farm Activities, Sustainable Development and Organic Farming 

Employment: Growth, Informalisation and Other Issues 

Employment Growth in India, Recent Trends in Employment, Informalisation of Workforce, Worker's Participation in Management 


Infrastructure, Energy, Transportation, Communication, Tourism as an Industry 

Environment and Sustainable Development 

Environment and Development, Sustainable Development, Environmental Degradation, Sustainable Development and India's Economic Development 


Comparative Development Experiences of India and its Neighbours 

Economic Reforms and Their Impact on the Neighbours, China, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka 

Book: Statistics of Economics

Sr No.    

Chapter Name



Introduction to Statistics, Collection of Data, Types of Data, Methods of Data Collection, Primary and Secondary Data, Census and Sample Surveys, Advantages and Limitations of Sampling 

Collection of Data 

Census and Sample Surveys, Pilot Survey, Sampling Methods, Sampling and Non-Sampling Errors 

Organisation of Data 

Meaning and Types of Variables, Frequency Distribution, Graphical Representation of Data, Frequency Polygon, Ogive, Histogram 

Presentation of Data 

Tabular Presentation, Diagrammatic Presentation, Measures of Central Tendency, Arithmetic Mean, Median, Mode 

Measures of Dispersion 

Range, Quartile Deviation, Mean Deviation, Standard Deviation, Coefficient of Variation, Lorenz Curve and Gini Coefficient 


Introduction, Scatter Diagram, Karl Pearson's Coefficient of Correlation, Spearman's Rank Correlation 

Index Numbers 

Meaning and Uses of Index Numbers, Methods of Constructing Index Numbers, Simple Aggregative Method, Weighted Aggregative Method, Tests of Adequacy of Index Numbers 

Introduction to Econometrics 

Meaning and Scope of Econometrics, Relationship between Econometrics and Statistics, Basic Concepts in Econometrics 

Basic Econometrics Tools 

Linear Regression Analysis, Regression Lines, Estimation of Parameters of a Regression Line, Properties of Regression Coefficients 


Introduction to Probability 

Random Experiments, Sample Space, Events, Probability of an Event, Properties of Probability, Addition and Multiplication Theorems of Probability 



Sr No.

Chapter Name



Introduction to Sets; Sets and their Representations 

Relations and Functions 

Types of Relations; Types of Functions; Composition of Functions 

Trigonometric Functions 

Introduction to Trigonometric Functions; Trigonometric Identities 

Principle of Mathematical Induction 

Principle of Mathematical Induction; Applications 

Complex Numbers and Quadratic Equations 

Introduction to Complex Numbers; Quadratic Equations 

Linear Inequalities 

Linear Inequalities; Algebraic Solutions 

Permutations and Combinations 

Fundamental Principles of Counting; Permutations; Combinations 

Binomial Theorem 

Binomial Theorem and its Applications 

Sequences and Series 

Sequences; Arithmetic Progressions; Geometric Progressions 


Straight Lines 

Slope of a Line; Various Forms of Equations of a Line 


Conic Sections 

Introduction to Conic Sections; Circles and Parabolas 


Introduction to Three Dimensional Geometry 

Coordinate Axes and Coordinate Planes 


Limits and Derivatives 

Intuitive Idea of Derivatives; Limits and Derivatives 


Mathematical Reasoning 

Statements; Validating Statements; Connecting Words 



Measures of Dispersion; Correlation 



Basic Concepts of Probability; Conditional Probability 



