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Book: Themes in Indian History, Part-1

Chapter Number

Chapter Name


Bricks, Beads and Bones: The Harappan Civilisation 

Introduction to the Harappan Civilisation, Town Planning and Architecture, Economy and Society, Religion, Burials and Pottery 

Kings, Farmers and Towns: Early States and Economies (c. 600 BCE- 600 CE) 

Mahajanapadas, Republics and Kingdoms, Contact with Outside World, Economy, Society and Culture, Religious Developments 

Kinship, Caste and Class: Early Societies (C. 600 BCE- 600 CE) 

Varna System and Jati, Emergence of Mahayana Buddhism and Jainism, Position of Women and Shudras, Emergence of Urbanisation and Crafts 

Thinkers, Beliefs and Buildings: Cultural Developments (c. 600 BCE- 600 CE) 

Growth of Religious Movements, Jainism and Buddhism, Literature and Science, Architecture and Sculpture 

Book: Themes in Indian History, Part-2

Chapter Number

Chapter Name


Through the Eyes of Travellers: Perceptions of Society (c. tenth to seventeenth centuries) 

Nature and Impact of Travel Writing, Perceptions of Indian Society and Culture, Religious Traditions and Beliefs, Economic Life and Political Institutions 

Bhakti-Sufi Traditions: Changes in Religious Beliefs and Devotional Texts (c. eighth to eighteenth centuries) 

Bhakti Movement and Saints, Sufi Movement and Sufi Saints, Religious Composition and Social Context, Devotional Texts and Poetry 

An Imperial Capital: Vijayanagara (c. fourteenth to sixteenth centuries) 

Foundation of Vijayanagara Empire, Society, Economy and Polity, Art, Architecture and Literature, Decline of Vijayanagara Empire 

Peasants, Zamindars and the State: Agrarian Society and the Mughal Empire (c. sixteenth to seventeenth centuries) 

Agrarian Structure and Economy, Zamindars and Peasants, Nature of the Mughal State, Agrarian Crisis and its Impact, Peasant Uprisings 

Kings and Chronicles: The Mughal Courts (c. sixteenth to seventeenth centuries) 

Mughal Empire under Akbar, Jahangir and Shah Jahan, Court Chronicles and Historical Writing, Nature of Mughal State, Cultural and Social Developments 

Book: Themes in Indian History, Part-3

Chapter Number

Chapter Name



Colonialism and the Countryside: Exploring Official Archives (Mid-eighteenth to mid-nineteenth century) 

East India Company and the Countryside, Colonial Archives and Sources, Changing Nature of Land Rights, Revenue and Taxation, Peasant Resistance 


Rebels and the Raj: The Revolt of 1857 and its Representations 

Background and Causes of the Revolt, Spread of the Revolt, Nature of the Revolt, British Response, Representations of the Revolt in Literature, Art and Histography 


Colonial Cities: Urbanisation, Planning and Architecture 

Urbanisation and Industrialisation, Colonial Cities and their Planning, Social Composition and Culture of Colonial Cities, Architecture and Art, Public Health and Reform Movements 


Mahatma Gandhi and the National Movement: Civil Disobedience and Beyond 

Early Political Career of Mahatma Gandhi, Satyagraha and Civil Disobedience, The Salt March and Other Mass Movements, Women and the National Movement, Partition of India and its Consequences 


Understanding Partition: Politics, Memories, Experiences 

Historical Background and Context of Partition, Political Developments and Events, Experience of Partition and Violence, Memory and Trauma, Displacement and Resettlement 


Framing the Constitution: The Beginning of a New Era 

Making of the Indian Constitution, Constitutional Principles and Features, Debate and Contestation, Nature of the Indian State, Challenges to Democracy and the Constitution 



Book: Human Geography

Chapter Number

Chapter Name


Human Geography Nature and Scope 

Introduction to Human Geography, Human Geography as a Social Science, Evolution and Development of Human Geography, Nature and Scope of Human Geography 

The World Population: Distribution, Density and Growth 

Introduction, The World Population, Population Distribution, Population Density, Population Growth and Change, Demographic Attributes, Composition of Population, Determinants of Population Change 

Population Composition 

Introduction, Age and Sex Composition, Racial and Ethnic Composition, Linguistic Composition, Religious Composition, Occupational Composition, Rural-Urban Composition 

Human Development 

Introduction, What is Development?, Development of the World, Indicators of Development, Human Development Index (HDI), Critique of Development Indicators, Sustainable Development Goals 

Primary Activities 

Introduction, Types of Economic Activities, Agriculture, Types of Agriculture, Cropping Pattern, Technological and Institutional Reforms, Impact of Globalisation on Agriculture, Major Crops, Major Agricultural Regions 

Secondary Activities 

Introduction, Types of Industries, Industrial Location, Industrial Regions, Industrial Policy, Changing Face of Industries in India 

Tertiary and Quaternary Activities 

Introduction, Tertiary Activities, Quaternary Activities, Trade, Transport and Tourism, Contemporary Services: Banking, Insurance, and Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) 

Transport and Communication 

Introduction, Means of Transportation, Transportation and Communication, International Trade, Types of Communication, Impact of Communication Technology on Human Life 

International Trade 

Introduction, Commodity Flow and Trade, Major Trading Blocks, Trade Balance, Export Processing Zones (EPZ), Special Economic Zones (SEZ) 


Human Settlements 

Introduction, Settlement Types, Site and Situation of Urban Centres, Urbanisation, Classification of Towns, Problems and Issues of Urban Settlements, Sustainable Development of Cities 




Chapter Number

Chapter Name


Chapter 1

Introduction to Micro Economics

Meaning, Scope and Importance of Micro Economics, Central Problems of an Economy, Production Possibility Frontier, Opportunity Cost, and Micro Economic Models.

Chapter 2

Theory of Consumer Behaviour

Consumer's Equilibrium - Meaning and Assumptions, Marginal Utility Analysis, Law of Diminishing Marginal Utility, Budget Line, Consumer's Equilibrium using Utility Approach, and Indifference Curve Analysis.

Chapter 3

Production and Costs

Production Function - Meaning and Concepts, Short Run and Long Run Production Function, Law of Variable Proportions, Isoquants, and Producer's Equilibrium. Cost - Concept and Types, Short Run and Long Run Cost Curves, Average Cost and Marginal Cost.

Chapter 4

The Theory of the Firm under Perfect Competition

Market and Perfect Competition - Meaning, Features, Determination of Market Equilibrium and Price, Firm and Industry Equilibrium under Perfect Competition, Determination of Short Run and Long Run Equilibrium, and Optimal Input Combination.

Chapter 5

Market Equilibrium

Market Equilibrium - Meaning and Determination, Changes in Market Equilibrium, Price Elasticity of Demand, Income Elasticity of Demand, and Cross Elasticity of Demand.

Chapter 6

Non-Competitive Markets

Meaning and Features of Monopoly, Sources of Monopoly Power, Price-Output Determination under Monopoly, Price Discrimination, and Monopoly and Efficiency.

Chapter 7

Market Failure

Market Failure - Meaning, Types of Market Failure - Public Goods, Private Goods, Common Pool Resources, Externalities and Asymmetric Information, and Government Interventions to Correct Market Failure.


Chapter Number

Chapter Name


Chapter 8

Introduction to Macroeconomics

Meaning, Scope and Importance of Macroeconomics, Macroeconomic Variables, Circular Flow of Income, Aggregate Demand and Aggregate Supply, and Macroeconomic Models.

Chapter 9

National Income and Related Aggregates

Gross Domestic Product (GDP) - Meaning and Components, Nominal GDP and Real GDP, GDP and Welfare, and Methods of Calculating National Income.

Chapter 10

Money and Banking

Money - Meaning, Functions, and Types, Money Supply - Currency, Demand Deposits, and Other Deposits, Central Bank - Meaning, Functions and Role, Commercial Banks - Meaning and Functions, and Credit Creation by Commercial Banks.

Chapter 11

Determination of Income and Employment

Aggregate Demand and its Components, Determination of Income and Employment - Keynesian Theory, Consumption Function, Saving Function, Investment Function, and Equilibrium Level of Income and Employment.

Chapter 12

Government Budget and the Economy

Government Budget - Meaning, Objectives and Components, Classification of Government Expenditure, Revenue Receipts and Revenue Expenditure, Budget Deficit and Budget Surplus, Fiscal Policy - Meaning and Objectives, and Measures to Correct Deficit.

Chapter 13

Balance of Payments

Balance of Payments - Meaning, Components and Accounts, Foreign Exchange Rate - Meaning and Types, Determination of Exchange Rate, Managed Floating Exchange Rate System, and Balance of Payments Disequilibrium.



Book: Politics in India science independence

Chapter Number

Chapter Name



Challenges of Nation Building

Challenges faced by India after independence, Integration of Princely States, Reorganization of States


Era of One-Party Dominance

Congress system, Opposition parties, Challenges to Congress system


Politics of Planned Development

Nehruvian vision of development, Five Year Plans, Agriculture, Industry, Trade, and Foreign Policy


India's External Relations

Non-Alignment, India-China Relations, India-Pakistan Relations, India-US Relations


Challenges to the Congress System

Emergence of new social movements, The Mandal Commission and its aftermath, Rise of regional parties


The Crisis of Democratic Order

The Emergency, The Janata Party government, The aftermath of the Janata government


Rise of Popular Movements

Farmers' movements, Women's movements, Environment movements, Regional autonomy movements


Regional Aspirations

Demand for Jharkhand, Demand for Uttarakhand, Demand for Telangana


Recent Developments in Indian Politics

Coalition governments, 1998-2004: BJP-led NDA government, UPA government, National Common Minimum Programme


